Western U.P. Food Systems Collaborative Annual Report

The annual reports focus on information gained and work completed throughout the Western U.P. Food System.

2022 Community Food Survey Results

The 2022 Community Food Survey identifies important strengths and needs across our 6-county region. In 2023, WUPFSC shared results through county-level fact sheets, a community webinar, and a peer-reviewed scientific journal article. All are freely available via the links below.

Farm To School

2022 Final Reports for Western U.P. Farm to School Projects.


WUPFSC worked with MTU students to facilitate a community photovoice project in 2022. More information about the project, including curriculum, toolkit, and the exhibit, can be found in the Resources tab.

Debweyendan (“believe in it”) Indigenous Gardens (DIGs): A Portfolio for Community Workshops

Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) was awarded funds in Spring 2019 to promote intergenerational learning and access to healthy foods and medicines through the Debweyendan (“believe in it”) Indigenous Gardens (DIGs) initiative. DIGs aims to promote food sovereignty, strengthen wellbeing and cultural identity, and sustain knowledge for future generations.

This Portfolio is a compilation of project activities, including the 12 workshops and 4 community capacity initiatives funded by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund. It is intended to be a resource for other communities who desire similar programs to promote access to healthy foods in their communities and is designed with those communities in mind. It is also to ensure that the community maintains a resource and inventory for future planning of food sovereignty initiatives in the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community.

Preliminary Assessment 2018 Houghton County Michigan

Cultivating Community Food Resilience: Recommendations From a Preliminary Food Systems Assessment in Houghton County, MI

This report shares the results of an exploratory food systems assessment conducted in the Houghton-Hancock area of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The goal of this report is to inform the development of the Western Upper Peninsula Food Systems Collaborative (WUPFSC) by 1) providing an overview on best practices from existing food systems councils (FSCs), 2) sharing the results of our preliminary assessment of opportunities within the Houghton-Hancock community, and 3) making recommendations to the WUPFSC to inform their approach to future initiatives.